21st UNESCO Sound Week

Towards a sound ecology
January 15 to 28, 2024

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Godfather of the 21st edition

André Manoukian is a pianist of “Armenian-Cosmic” origin, as he likes to call himself. He was immersed in a musical environment from an early age, starting piano lessons at 6, an instrument for which he quickly developed a passion. Jazz pianist, composer and music columnist André Manoukian is a multi-faceted artist.
Inspired by Johann Sebastian Bach’s algorithms, he developed a start-up called MatchTune, which synchronizes music with images.

His latest albums:Les pianos de Gainsbourg(2021), in which he pays tribute to Serge Gainsbourg by surrounding himself with female icons: Melody Gardot, Camélia Jordana, Isabelle Adjani, Rosemary Standley, Camille Lellouche and Elodie Frégé; and Anouch(2022), a musical journey to the Orient of his ancestors.His latest book: On the Jazz Roads(2022), Harper Collins .

Over the course of evolution , man has shaped his body according to his own interests. His planetary success over all species, owes it to the invention of language , which which enabled him to obtain information about his fellow creatures, and thus increase the size of the clan, which became a village, then a city, then a nation, then an empire.

Language having been its main weapon for conquering power, the human ear has specialized in its zone, between 20hz and 20,000 hz. Below or above that, we filter. Yet these sounds exist in nature: ocean waves emit sub-bass tones that we don’t hear, the Mediterranean mistral sometimes blows so hard that it sends us frequencies between 5 hz and 20 hz that have a physiological effect on our bodies. These sounds, which we don’t recognize, have an effect on us: they put our organism on alert, without us having the slightest response to counter these stimuli, which become generators of anxiety and fatigue.

Today, we ‘re immersed in oceans of sound that overwhelm us to the point of taking away our free will. One of the missions of Semaine du Son, is to awaken us to this sonic relentlessness with which we are violently confronted.

It’ s time to sit back, reflect and , above all, be silent to rest our ears, and our souls. It’s to wake up and take part in a debate too often scorned that I agreed to be the patron of this edition.

The role of the musician since Orpheus: to transform Chaos (disorder) into Cosmos (order). Then, like Baudelaire, we can say again: Music often takes me like a sea…”.

André Manoukian

André Manoukian ‘s two major events :

Monday, January 15 at 7:00 pm He will accompany on piano the concert given by theOrchestre symphonique Pasdeloup conducted by conductor Mélanie Levy- Thiébaut.Thiébaut alongside opera singer Mariamielle Lamagat and rapper Baloji, at UNESCO.

Thursday January 18 at 7:00 pm He takes part in the evening dedicated to the theme: ” Artificial Intelligence in the service of audio” in partnership with IRCAM.

The interview





Relive the opening ceremony of the 21st UNESCO Sound Week, which took place in UNESCO Hall I on January 15, 2024. The evening was sponsored by André Manoukian and the Orchestre symphonique Pasdeloup, conducted by Mélanie Levy-Thiébaut.

Relive the opening night



Monday, January 15, 8:00 PM


The opening evening will feature an exceptional concert by André Manoukian and the Orchestre symphonique Pasdeloup, sponsors of this year 's event , committed to the cause of sound.
Tuesday, January 16, 7:00 p.m.


Evening event organized in partnership with Renault Group on the theme of sound issues as applied to the electric car.
Wednesday, January 17, 1:30 p.m.


XI Forum des formations supérieures aux métiers du son, in partnership with FEMIS and UPMC - Sorbonne Université Campus Pierre et Marie Curie
Wednesday, January 17, 7:00 p.m.


Conference evening organized in partnership with the Institut de l'Audition (IDA) on the theme of "Music and the brain".
Amphithéâtre Laroque, Ministry of Health and Prevention
Thursday, January 18, 7:00 p.m.


Evening event organized in partnership with IRCAM , with the participation of André Manoukian on the theme: " Artificial Intelligence in the service of audio".
Friday, January 19 10:00 a.m.


In partnership with the Conseil Régional d'Île-de-France and Bruitparif on the theme: " Quiet cities ".
Île-de-France Regional Council
Friday, January 19, 7:00 pm


Presentation of the winners and prize-giving ceremony for the " When Sound Creates Image" international competition. in partnership with UNESCO ASPnet Associated Schools, the French Ministry of Education and the Institut Français.
Saturday, January 20, 3:00 p.m.


Emperor" concert by the Orchestre Pasdeloup. Conductor: Joanna Natalia Slusarczyk and pianist: Igor Tchetuev.
Philarmonie de Paris

and Videos

© JJ Wanègue
© JJ Wanègue
© JJ Wanègue
© JJ Wanègue
© JJ Wanègue
© JJ Wanègue
© JJ Wanègue
© JJ Wanègue
© JJ Wanègue
© JJ Wanègue
© JJ Wanègue
© JJ Wanègue
© JJ Wanègue
© JJ Wanègue
© JJ Wanègue
© JJ Wanègue
© JJ Wanègue


November 23, 2023

Press kit

Press kit for the press conference of the 21st UNESCO Sound Week.
November 23, 2023

Press release

Press release for the press conference of the 21st UNESCO Sound Week.
February 2024


Press coverage of the 21st UNESCO Sound Week.