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Become a member

of the association

Founded in 1998 by Christian Hugonnet, association La Semaine du Son aims to develop knowledge of our sound our sound environment through a cross-disciplinary approach to sound – medical medical, cultural, industrial, educational, environmental, sociological and economic… The association’s means of action are the organization, in France and abroad, of an annual week-long event entitled La Semaine du Son de l’UNESCO, as well as the organization, during or outside this event, of concerts, conferences and public or private interventions, and competitions. We have also won the “Prix de la Meilleure Création Sonore – un Certain regard” at the Cannes Film Festival, and conducted an experimental study in collaboration with the Pasteur Institute.

Membership fee

25 euros ( member)
100 euros ( associate membership fee)
5 euros : Reduced-rate membership (students, unemployed… – please send proof with membership form)

The benefits

The association La Semaine du Son is recognized as being of general social interest.
In the case of private individuals, amounts paid to the company as contributions/donations entitle them to a tax credit. income tax reduction equal to 66 %. up to a maximum of 20 % of taxable income (article 200 of the French General Tax Code). A tax receipt is sent upon receipt of payment.

Membership formalities

To join or renew your membership

By Hello Asso All you need to do is fill in the form below:


By bank transfer, PayPal or cheque Fill in the membership form in pdf below (corresponding to your situation) and return it completed by email to or by post to the association’s head office: La Semaine du Son, 52, rue René Boulanger, 75010 Paris.

Membership form


Individuals who created the association and have remained active members of the association, Christian HUGONNET and Catherine de BOISHERAUD at the time of adoption of the present articles of association.


An individual (French or foreign) or legal entity under private or public law who supports the aims and actions of the of the association and pays the annual membership fee set at the Annual General Meeting .

<b>Associate member</b>

Legal entity (local authority, association, and generally speaking, any public or private structure) that organizes or participates in the organization of an event, in France or abroad, as part of Semaine du Son, outside the Paris event, and whose themes are related to those dealt with by the association. These actions are organized in agreement with the Semaine du Son association, and are each the subject of a specific agreement. Associate members pay an annual membership fee.

<b>Supporting member</b>

Natural or legal person, private or public, who has made a financial contribution or substantially supported the association through their generosity or action, and who pays an annual benefactor membership fee of at least 180 times the basic fee.

<b>Member by right</b>

Official body (Ministry, local authority, civil society ) that subsidizes the association for its operations and the events it organizes. Ex-officio members pay no annual membership fee.

Articles of association and by-laws

Read the bylaws and internal rules of the association La Semaine du Son.

By-lawsRules of procedure