


SYNEA is the Syndicat National des Entreprises de l'Audition (National Union of Hearing Care Companies), which defends the freedom to practice and the freedom of choice of patients.

Created in 1994, the Syndicat National des Entreprises de l’Audition represents nearly 60% of the French hearing aid market, with 12 leading companies, over 2,500 sales outlets and more than 1,400 hearing aid practitioners (independent or salaried). Its mission is to defend the specific characteristics and interests of the profession:

  • Raising awareness and informing the public and public authorities about the
  • Hearing impairment, a real public health issue
  • Promoting and boosting hearing aid sales and fittings in hearing aid centers
  • To help hearing aid practitioners better understand their relationship with healthcare networks. Position ourselves as the industry’s key contact with public authorities.

SYNEA is first and foremost an “association representing a vital profession in the French healthcare landscape, faced with the development of hearing disorders and an ageing population”. Its current members are: Amplifon, Audika, Audio 2000, AudioNova, AuditionSanté, Krys Audition, GrandAudition, Conversons, Audilab, Vivason, Sonnance.  

SYNEA’s mission is to :

  • Raising awareness of the hearing aid profession among the general public and public authorities
  • Weighing in and negotiating with complementary healthcare providers.
  • Publicize and promote best professional practices.
SYNEA doesn’t just want to talk about hearing comfort, but also about public health. In fact, the links between uncompensated hearing loss and cognitive decline, the risks of depression linked to isolation and the risks of falls. That’s why it has identified two areas for action: prevention and accessibility. Prevention :

  • Prevention for young people, who should do more to preserve their hearing capital
  • Prevention for senior citizens, who should be regularly screened from the age of 60.
  • Raised public and medical awareness of the consequences of hearing loss

Accessibility :

  • Better care
  • Greater transparency with a clearer offer
  • Adjusting the demography of hearing aid practitioners
  • Systematic financing offer