The Sophrology and Tinnitus® Center has a network of professionals who are skilled in the treatment of tinnitus, hyperacusis and balance disorders such as Ménière’s disease.
It was initiated by Patricia Grévin in 2010, author of books on sophrology and tinnitus. It brings together over 150 sophrologists throughout France, as well as in Geneva and Amsterdam. It is involved in numerous information and awareness campaigns on hearing disorders.

The Sophrology and Tinnitus® Center is the network of professionals who are skilled in the treatment of tinnitus, hyperacusis.
Its aim is to promote sophrology as a universally accessible technique for learning to live normally with tinnitus and/or hyperacusis, and sometimes balance disorders, and to provide information and a method for healthcare professionals and patients.
He has carried out two studies to measure the effect of a tinnitus-specific sophrology protocol on patients suffering from chronic subjective tinnitus. The latest study in 2016/2017 involved 17 network sophrologists and 143 patients.