Godmother 2020
Godmother 2020
Godmother 2020
Godmother 2020
Godmother 2020

Rokia Traoré

Godmother of the 17th edition of UNESCO’s Week of Sound Malian singer-songwriter and guitarist.
UNHCR Goodwill Ambassador for West and Central Africa. “It’s a great pleasure to be the patron of UNESCO Sound Week 2020 and to be able to share with you the way I perceive sound, what I hear and what I think people hear.
Beyond the importance of sound in musical expression, I’m also aware that our well-being and health also depend on a balanced, controlled sound environment, a source of fulfillment.
In fact, this year we’ll be talking about a subject to which I’m very sensitive: noise pollution as a potential cause of social segregation.

I’m touched by the trust you’ve placed in me, and I’m convinced that the 2020 edition, now under the aegis of UNESCO, will be the catalyst for many more Sound Weeks around the world.Rokia Traoré

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