Sponsor 2019
Sponsor 2019
Sponsor 2019
Sponsor 2019
Sponsor 2019

Jordi Savall

Patron of the 16th edition of UNESCO’s Week of Sound, Jordi Savall is one of the leading figures in the revival of historical music, considered to be one of the most versatile musical personalities of his generation. He delights us with his 140 concerts and 6 annual recordings. In 1998, he set up his own record label. Throughout his career, he has released over 230 recordings of medieval, Renaissance, Baroque and classical repertoire. This year, the conductor and founder of the Concert des Nations, Jordi Savall, gave an exceptional concert on the evening of the 30th anniversary of the Concert des Nations, Wednesday January 23, 2019 at UNESCO’s Grand Hall, ✓ Doctor Honoris Causa of the Universities of Evora (Portugal), Barcelona (Catalonia), de Louvain (Belgium) and Basel (Switzerland) ✓ Chevalier de la Légion d’Honneur de la République Française ✓ Prix International de Musique pour la Paix du Ministère de la Culture et des Sciences de Basse Saxe ✓ La Medalla d’Or de La Generalitat de Catalogne ✓ The prestigious Prix Léonie Sonning ✓ Several Midem Awards ✓ International Classical Music Awards ✓ A Grammy Award ✓ A César “Best Soundtrack” with the film “Tous les matins du monde” by Alain Corneau

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