Bruitparif is the Île-de-France noise observatory. Bruitparif is a center of expertise in noise environment management, working mainly in the Île-de-France region, while developing partnerships at national and European level. Bruitparif is a not-for-profit association with nearly a hundred members in four colleges (local authorities, representatives of government departments, economic activities, environmental and consumer associations). An association governed by the French law of 1901, Bruitparif carries out its day-to-day activities by implementing six cardinal values that guarantee its legitimacy and credibility: Expertise, Impartiality, Transparency, Pedagogy, Proximity and Innovation.

Bruitparif was created in 2004 at the initiative of the Île-de-France regional council, at the request of environmental associations.
The organization uses a variety of techniques to pursue four public-interest missions:
- characterize the noise environment in the Paris Region: noise measurement network, noise mapping, studies and surveys on noise pollution
- helping players in the Paris region to take noise into account in their public policies: promoting best practices in noise prevention and management, particularly in the fields of transport and land use planning
- developing scientific and academic knowledge: contributing to the development of knowledge about noise and its effects on human health, biodiversity and its socio-economic consequences
- raise awareness among the general public and local authorities: disseminate data, studies and information on the importance of preserving the quality of the noise environment.