With over a hundred members, GIAc represents the profession in dealings with public authorities and other partners, and participates in the drafting of regulations and standards. Since its creation, GIAc has been committed to defending the interests of its members, and promoting the image and role of the independent acoustician. Cinov GIAc represents the profession in dealings with public authorities and other partners, and participates in the drafting of regulations and standards. Since its creation, GIAc has been committed to defending the interests of its members, and promoting the image and role of the independent acoustician.

Founded in 1990, the Cinov GIAc association brings together independent consulting engineers and design offices specializing in acoustics for the building, environment, industry, training and research sectors.
The syndicate encourages the exchange of information between its members, and participates in a number of actions of collective interest to promote the profession (brochures, press, conferences, etc.). Through its actions, GIAc has helped to gain recognition for the profession from various institutional and economic players. These actions have resulted in the publication of some fifteen benchmark publications. Permanent commissions work on unifying themes, such as High Environmental Quality, professional group insurance and the image of the profession.