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Sponsor 2023

Thomas Dutronc

Sponsor of the 20th edition of UNESCO Sound Week In an exchange between Thomas Dutronc, sponsor of the 20th edition of UNESCO Sound Week, and its president-founder Christian Hugonnet, the words that came up most often were: pleasure, sensuality, soul of the voice, purity of music, silence, listening and interaction. In these words, Thomas Dutronc delivers a marvellous programme in itself, and when he confides in us that he wants to defend a more real music, stripped of all the sweeteners that industrial cuisine can be. In so doing, he shows us how close his artistic practice is to the values we defend at La Semaine du Son. Knowing how to listen to each other, knowing how to talk to each other, is the central theme of this year’s La Semaine du Son. Thomas Dutronc likes to make a maxim out of this, adding that in this game of exchange and interaction, it’s important to leave room for silence. Listening to him talk about his music, his world of sound and music, he lets us understand that silence is that very special moment that prepares us to welcome his music, to welcome music in order to better receive it. We are therefore delighted to welcome Thomas Dutronc for this exceptional concert on the opening night at UNESCO. He’ll be performing with his friends, the fabulous world-renowned Gypsy guitarists Stochelo Rosenberg and Rocky Gresset.

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