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Board members


Christian HUGONNET

Christian Hugonnet is a graduate engineer from the Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers. He joined Radio France in 1978 in the technical broadcasting department, then moved to the Institut National de l’Audiovisuel (INA) as a trainer in acoustics, musical sound recording and image stereophony. In 1988, after a year of research at the Institut de recherche/coordination acoustique musique (IRCAM) into different stereophonic systems, he was entrusted with the creation of the Audiovisual Center at the Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique et de Danse de Paris (CNSMDP) and, with Michel Philippot, the opening of the Formation Supérieure aux Métiers du Son. Professor at the Ecole Nationale Supérieure Louis-Lumière from 1985 to 2000, and President (2000 to 2001) of the Commission Supérieure Technique de l’Image et du Son (CST), he has given numerous seminars on sound recording and acoustics for various radio and television organizations in France and abroad.
He is co-author with Pierre Walder of the book “théorie et pratique de la prise de son stéréophonique” (Eyrolles and John Wiley) and “prise de son stéréophonique et son multicanal” (Eyrolles). From 1998 to 2018, he initiated and organized the annual meetings of the Forum International du Son Multicanal (FISM), a professional event organized with Reed Expo and recognized as Europe’s leading platform for multichannel sound exchanges and demonstrations. In 2004, he launched the first edition of “La Semaine du Son”, an annual event that has since gone on to become an international event, called “UNESCO Sound Week”. Its aim is to raise public and elected officials’ awareness of the societal importance of sound and the quality of sound environments (hearing health, acoustics and the sound environment, recording and reproduction, image and sound, musical expression). Expert before the Tribunal de Grande Instance de Paris, Expert Agrée par la Cour de cassation, Christian Hugonnet has been running an acoustics consultancy for halls, auditoriums and recording studios since 1993.


Jean-Philippe BLANCHARD

Former CSI Audiovisuel/Audiopole General Manager A graduate of the École Louis Lumière sound engineering school and the École Supérieure de Commerce du CNAM, Jean-Philippe has devoted his entire career to sound. First as a sound engineer at SFP, then in management positions at Audiopole, which later became CSI Audiovisuel, France’s leading importer of professional audio products.



Thierry Salmona, a graduate of the Ecole Normale Supérieure, holds an agrégation in mathematics and is a Chief Engineer in the Corps des Mines. He began his career in the French civil service, holding positions in central administration and then as technical advisor to the Minister of Industry.
Thierry Salmona joined the Thomson group in 1988, then the Sanofi and SKW groups as head of the Gelatin activity, before joining the Imerys group in 2000, where he successively held the positions of Branch Director and Technical and Innovation Director.
Now retired, Thierry Salmona continues to work as a consultant. Thierry Salmona studied flute with Pierre Séchet and Maurice Pruvot, and more recently with Yua Souverbie and Magdalena Poppa.
He has performed with the Orchestre de Paris choir, the Orchestre de Paris youth orchestra, and early music and baroque ensembles.
Thierry Salmona continues his chamber music activities as an amateur flautist.

Assistant Treasurer



Gilles PATÉ

Gilles Paté videographer, teacher, secretary of Sound Week
-Lecturer at the Versailles School of Architecture since 2012
-creator of the Studio son workshop on sound awareness in architecture through experimentation
– director of several documentaries on sound space
“Sound Body 2016
“Eliane Radigue le labyrinthe sonore” 2017
“Matière à composer” 2024
-Initiator with Cécile Regnault of the Place au son international competition for architecture and sound engineering students
Assistant Secretary


Trained as an electronics engineer, Jean-José Wanègue began his career in scientific instrumentation as head of a quality control department.
He soon went back to school to complete his training in economics and marketing, and a little later in innovation economics and strategy, followed by environmental forecasting.

He has over forty years’ experience in economic studies, communication, marketing, sales, development and training for new products and services based on advanced technologies, with an excellent grasp of the technical aspects.

His lifelong passion for sound led him to work on a prestigious public address project in 1969, for which he developed a stereo reproduction system with a central channel.
It was in 1997 that he met Christian Hugonnet, with whom he came to learn about the problems of multichannel sound while working at Digipress, where the first matrices for DVD pressing were being burned.
A little later, he helped found La Semaine du Son, which he later joined as a member of the executive committee and then the board of directors.

On the journalistic front, he has contributed numerous articles to the French magazines “La Revue du Son et du Home Cinema”, “Realisason”, “KR Home Studio”, and internationally to “Optical Disc Sytems” and “Pro Sound Systems”.