On the occasion of the 22ᵉ edition of UNESCO Sound Week, an OpinionWay survey, carried out for La Semaine du Son, reveals a worrying situation: noise pollution is seriously damaging French people’s hearing health, with particularly alarming repercussions among the youngest members of society.
OpinionWay’s survey of French people highlights the perceived impact of noise on hearing health across all generations:
– 49% of French people report hearing loss due to noise exposure. – The 18-24 age group is particularly concerned, with 60% reporting noise-induced hearing problems, a figure that puts them even ahead of seniors (45% among those aged 65 and over). – Another consequence of excessive exposure to noise is tinnitus: 44% of French people suffer from it, and this figure rises to 53% among young adults, potentially linked to practices such as listening to loud music in nightclubs, at concerts or simply through headphones. Beyond the effects on hearing, noise pollution is a major source of stress for almost three-quarters of the population (72%). – Among the different types of noise pollution that irritate the French most in their daily lives, it is other people’s telephone conversations, in public spaces or on public transport (47%).
– 49% of French people report hearing loss due to noise exposure. – The 18-24 age group is particularly concerned, with 60% reporting noise-induced hearing problems, a figure that puts them even ahead of seniors (45% among those aged 65 and over). – Another consequence of excessive exposure to noise is tinnitus: 44% of French people suffer from it, and this figure rises to 53% among young adults, potentially linked to practices such as listening to loud music in nightclubs, at concerts or simply through headphones. Beyond the effects on hearing, noise pollution is a major source of stress for almost three-quarters of the population (72%). – Among the different types of noise pollution that irritate the French most in their daily lives, it is other people’s telephone conversations, in public spaces or on public transport (47%).
– This is followed by the sounds made by two-wheelers (38%), well ahead of construction noise (30%), and music and sounds made by telephones or other devices in public spaces (30%).
– Finally, it should be noted that 17% of French people reported having had a direct altercation with neighbors in 2024, because of noise.
This stress, which can affect both mental health and quality of life, is a public health issue that is still largely underestimated. Studies have shown the link between noise (particularly from air, road and rail traffic) and increased use of medication to treat anxiety and depression. Noise also has a significant impact on children’s cognitive performance, leading to learning difficulties and reduced attention span.
– Finally, it should be noted that 17% of French people reported having had a direct altercation with neighbors in 2024, because of noise.
This stress, which can affect both mental health and quality of life, is a public health issue that is still largely underestimated. Studies have shown the link between noise (particularly from air, road and rail traffic) and increased use of medication to treat anxiety and depression. Noise also has a significant impact on children’s cognitive performance, leading to learning difficulties and reduced attention span.
Finally, the survey highlights a worrying lack of awareness of dangerous noise thresholds:
– Only 43% of French people correctly estimate the decibel levels that are acceptable to protect their hearing.
– The rest are either unaware (33%) or mistaken (24%) about the limits that should not be exceeded, underlining the urgent need to educate people about the risks associated with noise.
– Only 43% of French people correctly estimate the decibel levels that are acceptable to protect their hearing.
– The rest are either unaware (33%) or mistaken (24%) about the limits that should not be exceeded, underlining the urgent need to educate people about the risks associated with noise.