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On the occasion of the 2024 edition of the Change Now summit, Caroline Desnoëttes will be presenting her VOX OCEANO project. Thanks to her R D work combining the skills of several scientific and technical teams, Caroline Desnoëttes has managed to record the songs of humpback whales and other and other marine mammals on a 33 rpm disc made fromseaweed. This low-tech, bio-sourced installation, as she likes to call it, is a sound experience that projects seaweed into another dimension, connecting us to the deep, distant song of whales anda dozen other cetaceans.
This original production lets you discover recordings of cetaceans brought back by bio-acoustic researcher acoustician Olivier Adam during his numerous expeditions.

VOX OCEANO is the result of RD between academic research and industrial application, using art to build bridges between two hermetic worlds: algae research centers and the music industry!

VOX OCEANO was produced with the support of the Institut des Sciences Chimiques , Université de Rennes 1, the Station biologique de Roscoff CNRS – Sorbonne and the kind participation of Discomaton, Les Matériaux Parisiens, Kevin Cascella , bio-acoustician Olivier Adam and MPO.

© photo: Olivier Adam, professor and researcher in bioacoustics at Sorbonne-Université